This is where we can answer your most commonly asked questions . If you cant find your answer here please contact us at 732-387-0233 or gary@pipelinegames.com
We ship most items within 24 hours . Some items are drop shipped from our local vendors as well as some items ( tools in particular ) are drop shipped from our suppliers in China which may take a while longer . If you are in need of something fast and want to make sure you will have it in time please just ask us.
Generally we are a wholesale business and accepting returns are difficult for us . If you accidentally order something that is not correct we will work with you to make it right . If you order merchandise that is defective we will arrange reshipping on new product to you . Machines of any kind are not returnable. Under certain circumstances we may be able to arrange a return with up to a 25 percent restocking fee.
Shipping costs
Shipping charges are not refundable. If your shipping charge was free , a reasonable shipping change may be deducted from your refund.
Prices on items
We try our best to provide all of our items at a competitive price . We shop our items against the best price on many sites like Amazon to compare our selling price. If you do see something that you feel is too high please let us know and we can see if we can make a price adjustment BEFORE you purchase something . Once an order is places we cannot make any price changes. We want you to feel comfortable shopping here and knowing we are giving you a fair price
New Items
If there is something you would like us to carry for you , please do let us know and we will do our best to get the item(s) at a price that you will like . Odds are if you want it others might also want it .